Natural Church Development

  • Focuses on increasing the quality of a church rather than numerical goals
  • Helps churches discover and develop their individuality
  • Answers "How can all of my church's God-given growth potential be released?"

Natural Church Development (NCD) is all about releasing the potential that God has already implanted in the life of a church. The tool focuses on these eight quality characteristics of growing churches: empowering leadership, gift-oriented ministry, passionate spirituality, effective structures, inspiring worship, holistic small groups, need-oriented evangelism, and loving relationships. Several churches within the District have found NCD to be a valuable tool for strengthening ministry effectiveness.

In brief, churches that opt to utilize NCD receive a survey packet from NCD America that includes a survey for the lead pastor and 30 surveys for actively involved lay leaders in their church. The completed surveys are returned to NCD America for processing. The church then receives a report identifying their minimum factor—the characteristic of a healthy and growing church that is weakest in their church—and a guide to implementing a strategy to address that particular minimum factor. We recommend that churches also order Profile Plus to provide more in-depth information regarding the survey.

The District recommends NCD as an effective tool for measuring qualitative growth in churches and is prepared to assist churches unable to fund the cost of this tool. Additionally, trained and certified NCD coaches are available from within our District who can assist you in the NCD process.

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